Free Bead Pixel Art Workshop for Kids

Did you know that Vision Gallery holds free Saturday art workshops for kids? I'll be doing a bead pixel art workshop on November 16th. The number of participants in each session is limited, so register the children in your life today!

Vision Kids Workshop

Inspired by History Exhibition at the Chandler Museum

July 30, 2019 - October 13, 2019

Join the Chandler Museum and the Vision Gallery for the opening reception of their collaborative exhibition, Inspired by History.

Our everyday objects may not be so ordinary when seen through the eyes of an artist. Using abstraction, manipulation and interpretation, local emerging and mid-career artists created works in response to objects from the Chandler Museum artifact collection. The exhibit considers memory, continuity and change over time through artworks that explore the connections between people and objects.

This is a collaborative exhibition at The Chandler Museum.

Exhibiting Artists:
David Adams, Anthony Banayat, Malena Barnhart, Laura Spalding Best, Andrea Cook, Lauren Copley, Ashley Czajkowski, Dani Godreau, Erika Hanson, Sarah Hurwitz, Saskia Jorda, Lauren Kelly, Megan Koth, Nicole Lee, Cydnei Mallory, Carrie Marill, Jacob Meders, Amanda Mollindo, Adam Montoya, Ann Morton, Diane Nowicki, Jessica Palomo, Rembrandt Quiballo, Stephanie Rosa, Melissa Sclafani, Champ Styles, Such Styles, Brianna Voron, Claire Warden.

Art Versus Bread and  Butter